Wednesday Nov 18, 2020


Happy memories? Painful memories? Or the happy memories that is too painful to think of? I know that whether I want to experience the feeling once more or not, it will never feel the same.

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I like the way your concept is with differentiation between lessons and memories. Definitely a more positive way of thinking. All very well said ✨

Thursday Nov 19, 2020


You will be one of my positive lifetime memories your GOODNESS shows my faith is well placed 😇

Thursday Nov 19, 2020


So insightful

Thursday Nov 19, 2020

Listening to this has me tearing up and because a lot of my happy memories I had with my nan who is gone 6 years. I miss her and it kills me still at certain times of year. Im glad for these talks as I think I've been suppressing a lot of feelings about her lately. Thanks this helps a lot

Thursday Nov 19, 2020


I got rid of 70% of all my things. Even things and pics that made me live again my past life. I put memories in my mental drawer and put old things in the trash-bin. I want new memories now.

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020

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